So a couple of weeks ago, I wrote about a Panini surprise 12 years late where card redemptions from Panini were received after a 12-year wait. Well lightning struck again as I got six more cards today!
These are the cards I received for the unknown redemption:
2010-11 Crown Royale Scratching the Surface Signatures #43 Jamie Benn #/100
2010-11 Donruss – Tough Times – Autograph #1 Lyndon Byers #/250
2010-11 Donruss – Tough Times – Autograph #8 Jay Miller #/250
2011-12 Panini Prime – [Base] #147 Rookie Patch Autograph – Matt Read #/199
2013-14 Panini National Treasures – Dual Memorabilia Autograph #DM-SMA Stefan Matteau
013-14 Panini National Treasures – Rookie Booklet Jumbo Jersey Autograph #RB-BOU #/99
3 autos and 2 auto jersey and 1 auto patch I guess is an ok deal but a 12-year wait is a bit of a stretch. Eh? A couple of cards are at least worth more than $5 !!!
All cards will be shipped to COMC in the near future.
Second reminder that when buying an unscratched redemption from Ebay or at your local sports card shows, you just may not get what you expected. Or worse you may never get that redemption!
TradinStuff sports cards for sale at COMC
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